Monday, April 5, 2010

CCBE Pulls Out of Builders Exchange Network!


APRIL 1ST 2010 - In a paramount manuever the Central Califonria Builders Exchange officially removed itself from the network of Builders Exchanges associated with the onlin plan service. What this means is that Members will not be able to access other online plan rooms through their CCBE Membership. Additionally Members from other builders’ exchanges will no longer have access to the CCBE online plan room limiting potential competition to our Members.

"The Central California Builders Exchange, its Directors, and Management have come to this decision after significant research and consideration. It is our collective opinion that this will help our organization and its Members remain competitive and successful in the years to come. It is neither fair nor responsible to continue allowing subscribers the same access as our Members in our current economic climate. The Central California Builders Exchange has always done everything in its power to protect the best interest of its Members. This decision will help to maintain and protect the integrity of our Membership in its entirety." CCBE Letter to Members.

The CCBE will maintain a relationship with its current vendor for posting plans online. The functionality, layout and level of service will remain the same. The only change is to subcription services. Any organization wishing to view the plans and projects posted by the CCBE will have to be a regular Memebrs in good standing. The CCBE notes that there were three main factors that lead to this decision:
  1. Fairness to Members
  2. Maintaining the Integrity of Intellectual Property
  3. Economic Factors and Competition
Any questions or concerns regarding these changes should be directed to:

Tony Renfro
Director of Sales and Marketing
Central California Builders Exchange
Office: 559.237.1831
Mobile: 559.977.7194

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